Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

UKGas Supply Limited


This is UKGas Supply Limited’s statement on slavery and human trafficking. This statement is made following the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We are committed to ensuring that our Company complies with all applicable legal requirements.
Our business

The company’ s commercial activities are to supply gas to Residential and Commercial properties in the UK.

Our policy on slavery and human trafficking

UKGas Supply fully supports the aims of the Act. Our policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to endeavour to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our business or supply chains.

Our processes to prevent slavery and human trafficking

Our processes to prevent slavery and human trafficking

As part of our commitment to combating modern slavery UKGas Supply Ltd. has taken or will be taking the following steps:

1. Conducting a review of the various parts of our business to ensure no slavery or human trafficking takes place in any part of our business or the supply chains.
2. Conducting a review of our processes and policies to identify how we can try to ensure that no slavery or human trafficking takes place within any part of our business or the supply chains.
3. Incorporating appropriate anti-slavery and human trafficking provisions into our procurement and third party supplier contracts on a risk-assessed basis.
4. Monitoring potential risk areas in our supply chains, as part of our periodic business-wide risk assessment.
5. Updating, maintaining and promoting the UKGas Supply Code of Conduct, which requires employees to, amongst other things, uphold UKGas Supply’s commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.
6. Establishing a UKGas Supply whistleblowing telephone hotline to facilitate the making of anonymous whistleblowing reports.

UKGas Supply Ltd will continue to review our procedures in relation to the prevention of slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain.
A new statement will be published each year on the corporate website


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16 Sheepfoot Lane
M25 0BN


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Unit A, Suit 4
Holy Oak Farm
Upton Snodsbury
Worcester, WR7 4NH


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Website development by: Discover Design Studio

© Copyright 2018 UKGAS SUPPLY | All Rights Reserved | Registered in England No. 11229461

Website development by: Discover Design Studio